Recorded in the book of the civil status of civil status were registered at the competent authorities of foreign countries



The order of execution​ ​ ​

​Name step Description step
​1. ​Submit Filing at the consular department of theVietnam representative offices abroad.
​2. Agencyrepresentativesreceive dossiers,consider and resolve – The consular officer to examine and evaluate the dossier; Filled profile cases, invalid, consular officers receive dossiers for settlement; profile cases of missing or invalid, the consular officer guidance for applicants remake.
– In cases where the applicant has requested additional content is below the civil status forms of Vietnam, the Vietnam representative agencies dealing with the additional content in the civil status records; originals and copies of civil status documents issued by content was recorded in civil status books supplement.
– In cases where the applicant has requested additional citizenship of children in the birth certificate and the birth registration book of Vietnam by the birth certificate is the competent authority of a foreign country is not recorded on nationality or not a statement of the nationality, the determination of citizenship for children to record additional provisions comply with Vietnam’s nationality law.
3.   Returns results Get results in consular department of theVietnam representative offices abroad.
(See the list of Vietnam representative officesabroad in the electronic information pagesbelow for information about the address,schedule for filing and receiving the results).



Ingredients Profile ​ ​ ​

Ingredients Profile
Declaration (in the prescribed form for the case notes of marriage registration).
​2. Copies of papers to keep civil status and the original for comparison(case filed by mail shall submit a certified copy).
​3. Copy of passport or valid substitute papers of the involved parties(produce the original for comparison) or certified true copy (in case of sending documents by mail shall submit a certified copy).
4.​ The written authorization duly authenticated in case the requestedrecord in the civil status to authorize others to do the procedure.
If an authorized person as grandparents, parents, children, spouses,siblings of a person authorized in writing shall not be authorized butmust have proof of the relationship above
​5. Copy of passport or valid substitute papers of the applicant together with the original for comparison or a certified copy (in case ofsending documents by mail shall submit a certified copy).
Number of records One (01) item.
Form, declaration form ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Documents specified Name form, declaration form
Sample declaration recorded in the civil status of marriage Download

Consulate of Vietnam in India